Baby Stormi Saying "Dada" While Attempting to Say "Kylie Cosmetics" Is TOO MUCH
There are only a couple days until Thanksgiving, when you can finally sit down with your family and eat your emotions in the form of pie and turkey. YOU CAN DO IT. But in the event that you're struggling this fine (read: bleak/horrible) Monday morning, here's a cute video of Baby Stormi to warm your potentially frozen heart.
And like, this isn't just any cute video of Baby Stormi. This is a video of her clutching one of Kylie Jenner's eyeshadows and attempting to say "Kylie Cosmetics." Only instead she ends up saying "Dada," which is pretty much the cutest thing ever.
By the way, if you're wondering how Travis Scott feels about this adorable moment, the answer is pretty great. He hit up the comments of Kylie's post to say he was coming home soon, and my heart is full. Much like my stomach will soon be full of pie!
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